Chiropractic Care and Auto Accidents: A Winning Combination

Chiropractic Care and Auto Accidents: A Winning Combination

Chiropractic Care and Auto Accidents: A Winning Combination

Chiropractic Care and Auto Accidents: A Winning Combination

Chiropractic Care and Auto Accidents: A Winning Combination

Studies show that millions of Americans sustain injuries every year because of auto accidents. Even in a minor accident like a fender bender, you can sustain injuries or experience complications in the future.

Whether you experience little pings of pain in your back or headaches, chiropractic care is a perfect solution for you. It can effectively restore your spine's function, leading to pain-free tissues and promoting healing. So, if you have been in an auto accident, seek the help of a qualified chiropractor immediately.

Chiropractic Care for Reducing Inflammation

During an auto accident, your spine's ligaments and muscles can tear or stretch. Imaging techniques like MRIs and X-rays typically cannot identify such injuries. However, damage to tissues can lead to irritation and inflammation.

You may not experience discomfort immediately. However, you may start feeling stiff and sore later. Your chiropractor can use certain adjustments to relieve pressure from your muscles and nerves after an auto accident. They will also realign your spine, paving the way to healing.

Chiropractic Care for Reducing Scar Tissue

Your body's healing process entails the creation of scar tissue. The injured area comprises scar tissue made of cells similar to those in normal tissue. However, they are a patch atop the affected area that is rapidly laid in an attempt to heal the injury. You may experience discomfort when you stretch out your skin if you have scar tissue in a large area. In most cases, it does not lead to long-term issues.

However, it can be debilitating to have scar tissue on the ligaments of your back or neck. It is because you cannot stretch it out by yourself. Chiropractic care concentrates on chiropractic adjustments to these joints. It stretches them to break up the scar tissue and promote healing after an auto accident.

Chiropractic Care for Relieving Stress

An auto accident is an extremely stressful and traumatic experience for any individual. Your body typically switches to the fight or flight mode when exposed to trauma. It can result in depression, stress, and anxiety.

A study to this effect in 2011 researched the effects of receiving chiropractic adjustments for neck pain. The study, conducted using PET scans, concluded that the subjects experienced lower brain activity in the areas of the brain that give out stress signals.

Chiropractic Care for Restoring Motion

Inflammation after an auto accident can cause your tissues to become stiff and immobile. It can slow the healing process. As a result, your ligaments experience difficulty getting essential nutrients.

They experience even more difficulties when they have injuries or inflammation. A chiropractor will adjust your spine or joints, mobilizing them and increasing blood flow. In doing so, healing nutrients get to the healing area.

Chiropractic Care for Relieving Pain

Numerous studies have concluded that chiropractic care is an effective and safe way to alleviate pain. A study conducted in 2013 concluded that 94 percent of the test subjects reported relieved neck pain with chiropractic adjustments.

Consult our professionals at Goldberg Wellness & Acupuncture Center in our Palm Beach Gardens, Florida office. Call (561) 624-5070 to schedule an appointment today.

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